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Trade Ally: Sign-up Disclaimer

The list of residential energy efficiency contractors, builders, retailers, manufacturers, and renewable energy system installers/ vendors also known as Trade Allies is provided by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) as an information source only.  The publication or sharing of this list should not be considered, in any way, to be an endorsement, recommendation or promotion, either expressed or implied, of any of the trade allies listed thereon by the NJBPU.  Accordingly, it is the customer's sole responsibility to investigate and determine the technical capabilities and reliability of the Trade Ally prior to entering into a contract for any upgrades to their home such as the installation of a renewable energy generation system, installation of new heating and cooling equipment, and any other energy efficient improvements.  Customers agree that their selection of any of the Trade Allies on this list is completely voluntary and made without promise, guarantee, coercion, threat or force by any members of the NJBPU.

This listing is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of qualified Trade Allies. 

To be listed on our website, renewable energy installers must have completed one successful installation, specifically via demonstration of one completed inspection within New Jersey's Clean Energy Program. Be sure to include project approval numbers in the comment section.

By clicking "agree," you expressly agree to the terms of the above disclaimer.

Note to all home improvement contractors (Solar Installers, Building Performance Institute (BPI) Accredited Contractors, HVAC contractors, etc.): You are now required to provide a Home Improvement Contractor's (HIC) License even if you have an electrician's license.  All Home Improvement Contractors (HIC) in New Jersey must register with the Division of Consumer Affairs (in the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety).  Because you offer services installing energy efficiency or renewable energy equipment at residential and/or non-commercial buildings, you are required by law to register as a Home Improvement Contractor under the Division of Consumer Affairs HIC licensing program.  Without this registration, you may not legally participate as a contractor/ installer/ trade ally or be listed as such on the NJCEP web site.  The rules setting forth this registration requirement can be found in the New Jersey Administrative Code at N.J.A.C. 13:45A-17.  You can obtain more information about the HIC program, and how to register as a home improvement contractor, at the following web site:

Continue to the sign up page.

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New Jersey State Seal